ame | Author | Institution | Language | Exec | Multiclass | Regression | Comments |
BSVM | Chih-Wei Hsu and Chih-Jen Lin | National Taiwan University | C++ | Win | Yes | Yes | |
Equbits Foresight | Equbits LLC | Equbits LLC | SDK | Win | ??? | Yes | Commercial. Contact Equibits LLC for details |
Gini-SVM | Shantanu Chakrabartty | Johns Hopkins University | C++ | No | Yes | Yes | Handles non positive definite kernels |
HeroSvm | Jianxiong Dong | Concordia University | C++ | Win | Yes | No | Optimized for Pentium 4 |
LEARNSC | Vojislav Kecman | Matlab p-files | N/A | Yes | Yes | Must pay for source! | |
LIBSVM | Chih-Chung Chang, Chih-Jen Lin | National Taiwan University | C++, Java, Python, R, MATLAB, Perl, Ruby | Win/*nix | Yes | Yes | Graphic interface available |
LS-SVMlab | Kristiaan Pelckmans, Johan Suykens | Katholieke Universiteit Leuven | Matlab | Win/*nix | Yes | Yes | Comes with platform-specific MEX files |
MatlabSVM Toolbox | S. R. Gunn | University of Southampton | Matlab | N/A | No | Yes | Includes a simple GUI |
mySVM | Stefan Ruping | Universitat Dortmund | C++ | Win/*nix | No | Yes | |
OSU | Junshui Ma, Yi Zhao, and Stanley Ahalt | Ohio State University | Matlab | N/A | Yes | Yes | Matlab interface to LIBSVM |
Parallel GPDT | T. Serafini, G. Zanghirati, L. Zanni | Universita di Ferrara | C++ | No | No | No | Designed for parallel systems |
pcSVM | | C | - | No | No | ||
RVMs | Mike Tipping | MSR Cambridge | Matlab | - | Yes | Yes | |
SpiderSVM | Jason Weston, Andre Elisseeff , Gokhan BakIr , Fabian Sinz | Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics | Matlab | N/A | Yes | Yes | Part of the Spider machine learning library |
Statistical Pattern Recognition Toolbox for MATLAB | Vojtech Franc and Vaclav Hlavac | Czech Technical University Prague | Matlab/C | No | Yes | No |
Good online documentation. Everything I′ve tried has worked字串9 well.Lots of stuff besides SVMs. |
SVMdark | Martin Sewell | University College London | C | Win | No | Yes | |
SvmFu | Ryan Rifkin | MIT | C++ | No | No | Must be compiled with g++ | |
SVMLight | Thorsten Joachims | Cornell University | C | Win/*nix | No | Yes | |
SVMsequel | Hal Daume III | University of Southern California | OCaml | No | Yes | No | "Very fast and handles enormous datasets nicely" |
SVMtorch | Ronan Collobert and Samy Bengio | IDIAP | C++ | No | ? | Yes | |
SVM Toolbox | Gavin Cawley | University of East Anglia Norwich | Matlab/C++ | No | Yes | No | Beta version |
WinSVM | Martin Sewell | University College London | C++ | Win | No | Yes |
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2019-11-06 13:48mysql教程网 Mysql
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