- ********************
- '函数作用:根据条件真假返回选定值中的某个
- '参数:blnCondition:条件变量,varResultTrue:条件为真时返回值,varResultFalse:条件为假时返回值
- Function IIF(blnCondition, varResultTrue,varResultFalse)
- If CBool(blnCondition) Then
- IIF = varResultTrue
- Else
- IIF = varResultFalse
- End If
- End Function
- '********************
- '函数作用:判断某个字符串元素是否在给定枚举中
- '参数:sEle:待判断的字符串,sArray:指定枚举
- '举例:根据扩展名判断是否图片文件:InArray(strFileExt,"jpg,gif,bmp,png")
- Function InArray(sEle,sArray)
- Dim aArray
- Dim i
- aArray = Split(sArray,",")
- For i = 0 To UBound(aArray)
- If Trim(sEle) = Trim(aArray(i)) Then
- InArray = True
- Exit Function
- End If
- Next
- InArray = False
- End Function
- '********************
- '函数作用:判断某个字符串是否符合正则表达式
- '参数:strString:字符串,strPattern:正则表达式
- Function doReTest(strString, strPattern)
- Dim oRE
- Set oRE = New RegExp
- oRE.Pattern = strPattern
- oRE.IgnoreCase = True
- doReTest = oRE.Test(strString)
- Set oRE = Nothing
- End Function
- '********************
- '函数作用:正则提取
- '参数:string:字符串,patrn:正则表达式
- '返回:逗号分割的结果数组集成
- Function doReExec(strng,patrn)
- Dim regEx, Match, Matches,RetStr ' 创建变量。
- Set regEx = New RegExp ' 创建正则表达式。
- regEx.Pattern = patrn ' 设置模式。
- regEx.IgnoreCase = True ' 设置为不区分大小写。
- regEx.Global = True ' 设置全局适用。
- Set Matches = regEx.Execute(strng) ' 执行搜索。
- For Each Match in Matches ' 对 Matches 集合进行迭代。
- RetStr = RetStr & Match.Value & "," & vbCRLF
- Next
- doReExec = RetStr
- End Function
- 复制代码 '********************
- '函数作用:显示分页链接
- '参数:lngCurPage:当前页是第几页,lngPageCount:一共几页,strSueryString:分页链接需要附加的QueryString变量
- Sub showPageNav(lngCurPage,lngPageCount,ByVal strQueryString)
- Response.Write "当前第" & lngCurPage & "页,共:" & lngPageCount & "页"
- Dim i,j,k
- If lngCurPage = 1 Then '如果是第一页
- '如果lngPageCount小于10,则导航页最多到lngPageCount页
- If lngPageCount < 10 Then
- j = lngPageCount
- Else
- j = 10
- End If
- For i = 2 To j
- Response.Write("<a href=""?" & strQueryString & "&p=" & i & """>" & i & "</a> ")
- Next
- ElseIf lngCurPage = lngPageCount Then '如果是最后一页
- '如果lngPageCount小于10,则导航起始从1开始
- If lngPageCount < 10 Then
- j = 1
- Else
- j = lngPageCount - 10
- End If
- For i = j To lngPageCount - 1
- Response.Write("<a href=""?" & strQueryString & "&p=" & i & """>" & i & "</a> ")
- Next
- Response.Write(lPageCount)
- Else '如果是中间的页
- If lngCurPage <= 5 Then
- j = 1
- Else
- j = lngCurPage - 5
- End If
- If lngPageCount <= lngCurPage + 5 Then
- k = lngPageCount
- Else
- k = lngCurPage + 5
- End If
- Response.Write("<a href=""?" & strQueryString & "&p=" & 1 & """>" & "<<" & "</a> ")
- For i = j To lngCurPage - 1
- Response.Write("<a href=""?" & strQueryString & "&p=" & i & """>" & i & "</a> ")
- Next
- Response.Write(lngCurPage & " ")
- For i = lngCurPage + 1 To k
- Response.Write("<a href=""?" & strQueryString & "&p=" & i & """>" & i & "</a> ")
- Next
- Response.Write(" <a href=""?" & strQueryString & "&p=" & lPageCount & """>" & ">>" & "</a>")
- End If
- End Sub
- '********************
- '函数作用:当前页请求方式是否为POST
- '说明:用于在同一页面处理显示和数据操作,当PostBack()为真时说明提交表单至当前页,应进行数据后台操作
- Function PostBack()
- If UCase(Trim(Request.ServerVariables("REQUEST_METHOD"))) = "POST" Then
- PostBack = True
- Else
- PostBack = False
- End If
- End Function
- '********************
- '函数作用:返回执行长度的随机字符串
- '参数:Length:长度
- Function GenRadomString(Length)
- dim i, tempS, v
- dim c(39)
- tempS = ""
- c(1) = "a": c(2) = "b": c(3) = "c": c(4) = "d": c(5) = "e": c(6) = "f": c(7) = "g"
- c(8) = "h": c(9) = "i": c(10) = "j": c(11) = "k": c(12) = "l": c(13) = "m": c(14) = "n"
- c(15) = "o": c(16) = "p": c(17) = "q": c(18) = "r": c(19) = "s": c(20) = "t": c(21) = "u"
- c(22) = "v": c(23) = "w": c(24) = "x": c(25) = "y": c(26) = "z": c(27) = "1": c(28) = "2"
- c(29) = "3": c(30) = "4": c(31) = "5": c(32) = "6": c(33) = "7": c(34) = "8": c(35) = "9"
- If isNumeric(Length) = False Then
- Response.Write "A numeric datatype was not submitted to this function."
- Exit Function
- End If
- For i = 1 to Length
- Randomize
- v = Int((35 * Rnd) + 1)
- tempS = tempS & c(v)
- Next
- GenRadomString = tempS
- End Function
2019-10-11 10:33asp代码网 ASP教程
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