- if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[f_Sql]') and xtype in (N'FN', N'IF', N'TF'))
- drop function [dbo].[f_Sql]
- GO
- if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[序数表]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
- drop table [序数表]
- GO
- --为了效率,所以要一个辅助表配合
- select top 1000 id=identity(int,1,1) into 序数表
- from syscolumns a,syscolumns b
- alter table 序数表 add constraint pk_id_序数表 primary key(id)
- go
- /*--根据指定字符串生成查询的模糊匹配字符串
- 条件连接的关键字为 and,or
- 可以任意指定括号
- 生成的条件表达式为 like 模糊匹配
- --邹建 2004.08(引用请保留此信息)--*/
- /*--调用示例
- --调用示例
- select A=dbo.f_Sql('(Web or HTML or Internet) and (Programmer or Developer)','content')
- select B=dbo.f_Sql('Web or HTML or Internet','content')
- select C=dbo.f_Sql('(Web and HTML)','content')
- select D=dbo.f_Sql('Web','content')
- --*/
- --示例函数
- create function f_Sql(
- @str Nvarchar(1000), --要检索的字符串
- @fdname sysname --在那个字段中检索
- )returns Nvarchar(4000)
- as
- begin
- declare @r Nvarchar(4000)
- set @r=''
- select @r=@r+case
- when substring(@str,id,charindex(' ',@str+' ',id)-id) in('or','and')
- then ' '+substring(@str,id,charindex(' ',@str+' ',id)-id)+' '
- when substring(@str,id,1)='('
- then '(['+@fdname+'] like ''%'
- +substring(@str,id+1,charindex(' ',@str+' ',id)-id-1)
- +'%'''
- when substring(@str,charindex(' ',@str+' ',id)-1,1)=')'
- then '['+@fdname+'] like ''%'
- +substring(@str,id,charindex(' ',@str+' ',id)-id-1)
- +'%'')'
- else '['+@fdname+'] like ''%'
- +substring(@str,id,charindex(' ',@str+' ',id)-id)
- +'%'''
- end
- from 序数表
- where id<=len(@str)
- and charindex(' ',' '+@str,id)-id=0
- return(@r)
- end
- go
2019-10-26 18:44mssql教程网 Sql Server
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