

服务器之家 - 编程语言 - JavaScript - 基于Vue实现跨表格(单选、多选表格项,单表格限制)相互拖拽


2021-08-27 23:56前端历劫之路maomin9761 JavaScript














  • vue@2.6.11
  • element-ui@2.15.5
  • sortablejs@1.14.0


  1. "dependencies": { 
  2.   "element-ui""^2.15.5"
  3.   "sortablejs""^1.14.0"
  4.   "vue""^2.6.11" 
  5. }, 




  1. - components 
  2. -- DragTables 
  3. --- utils 
  4. ---- data.js 
  5. ---- index.js 
  6. --- index.vue 




  1. // data.js 
  2. export default { 
  3.     // 游客 
  4.     guestData: [ 
  5.     { 
  6.         userId: "1"
  7.         name"a1"
  8.         account: "w"
  9.         jobTit: '1'
  10.         auth: '1' 
  11.     }, 
  12.     { 
  13.         userId: "211"
  14.         name"a0"
  15.         account: "w"
  16.         jobTit: '1'
  17.         auth: '1' 
  18.     } 
  19.     ], 
  20.     // 管理员 
  21.     managerData: [ 
  22.     { 
  23.         userId: "121"
  24.         name"a2"
  25.         account: "w"
  26.         jobTit: '1'
  27.         auth: '1' 
  28.     } 
  29.     ], 
  30.     // 电工 
  31.     electricianData: [ 
  32.     { 
  33.         userId: "12121"
  34.         name"a3"
  35.         account: "w"
  36.         jobTit: '1'
  37.         auth: '1' 
  38.     } 
  39.     ], 
  40.     // 操作员 
  41.     operatorData: [ 
  42.     { 
  43.         userId: "133e"
  44.         name"a4"
  45.         account: "w"
  46.         jobTit: '1'
  47.         auth: '1' 
  48.     } 
  49.     ] 



  1. // utils\index.js 
  3. /** 
  4.  * Deep copy 
  5.  * @param {Object} target 
  6.  */ 
  7. export function deepClone(target) { 
  8.     // 定义一个变量 
  9.     let result; 
  10.     // 如果当前需要深拷贝的是一个对象的话 
  11.     if (typeof target === 'object') { 
  12.         // 如果是一个数组的话 
  13.         if (Array.isArray(target)) { 
  14.             result = []; // 将result赋值为一个数组,并且执行遍历 
  15.             for (let i in target) { 
  16.                 // 递归克隆数组中的每一项 
  17.                 result.push(deepClone(target[i])); 
  18.             } 
  19.             // 判断如果当前的值是null的话;直接赋值为null 
  20.         } else if (target === null) { 
  21.             result = null
  22.             // 判断如果当前的值是一个RegExp对象的话,直接赋值 
  23.         } else if (target.constructor === RegExp) { 
  24.             result = target; 
  25.         } else { 
  26.             // 否则是普通对象,直接for in循环,递归赋值对象的所有值 
  27.             result = {}; 
  28.             for (let i in target) { 
  29.                 result[i] = deepClone(target[i]); 
  30.             } 
  31.         } 
  32.         // 如果不是对象的话,就是基本数据类型,那么直接赋值 
  33.     } else { 
  34.         result = target; 
  35.     } 
  36.     // 返回最终结果 
  37.     return result; 



1. UI页面代码

  1. <template> 
  2.     <div 
  3.       class="main-box" 
  4.       v-loading="loadLoading" 
  5.       element-loading-text="数据加载中" 
  6.       element-loading-spinner="el-icon-loading" 
  7.     > 
  8.       <div class="main-l"
  9. <!-- 游客 --> 
  10.         <div class="top-name"
  11.           <div class="top-box"
  12.             <div class="top-count"
  13.               人数: 
  14.               {{ 
  15.                 initStatus.newGuestList ? guestData.length : newGuestList.length 
  16.               }} 
  17.             </div> 
  18.           </div> 
  19.           <p>游客</p> 
  20.         </div> 
  21.         <div class="utable-box"
  22.           <el-table 
  23.             ref="guestData" 
  24.             :data="guestData" 
  25.             :row-key="getUserId" 
  26.             @row-click="guestDataSelect" 
  27.             style="width: 100%; border: 1px solid #002368; margin-bottom: 20px" 
  28.             @selection-change="selectionGuestChange" 
  29.           > 
  30.             <el-table-column type="selection" width="55"> </el-table-column
  31.             <el-table-column 
  32.               prop="name" 
  33.               label="姓名" 
  34.               align="center" 
  35.               show-overflow-tooltip 
  36.             ></el-table-column
  37.             <el-table-column 
  38.               prop="account" 
  39.               label="账号" 
  40.               align="center" 
  41.               show-overflow-tooltip 
  42.             > 
  43.             </el-table-column
  44.             <el-table-column 
  45.               prop="jobTit" 
  46.               label="职务" 
  47.               align="center" 
  48.               show-overflow-tooltip 
  49.               style="position: relative" 
  50.             > 
  51.               <template slot-scope="scope"
  52.                 <span>{{ scope.row.jobTit }}</span> 
  53.               </template> 
  54.             </el-table-column
  55.           </el-table
  56.         </div> 
  57.       </div> 
  58.       <div class="main-r"
  59. <!-- 管理员 --> 
  60.         <div class="top-name"
  61.           <p>管理员</p> 
  62.         </div> 
  63.         <el-table 
  64.           ref="managerData" 
  65.           :data="managerData" 
  66.           :row-key="getUserId" 
  67.           style="width: 100%; border: 1px solid #002368; margin-bottom: 10px" 
  68.         > 
  69.           <el-table-column 
  70.             prop="name" 
  71.             label="姓名" 
  72.             align="center" 
  73.             show-overflow-tooltip 
  74.           > 
  75.           </el-table-column
  76.           <el-table-column 
  77.             prop="account" 
  78.             label="账号" 
  79.             align="center" 
  80.             show-overflow-tooltip 
  81.           > 
  82.           </el-table-column
  83.           <el-table-column 
  84.             prop="jobTit" 
  85.             label="职务" 
  86.             align="center" 
  87.             style="position: relative" 
  88.             show-overflow-tooltip 
  89.           > 
  90.             <template slot-scope="scope"
  91.               <span>{{ scope.row.jobTit }}</span> 
  92.             </template> 
  93.           </el-table-column
  94.         </el-table
  95. <!-- 操作员 --> 
  96.         <div class="top-name"
  97.           <div class="top-box"
  98.             <div class="top-count"
  99.               人数: 
  100.               {{ 
  101.                 initStatus.newOperatorList 
  102.                   ? operatorData.length 
  103.                   : newOperatorList.length 
  104.               }} 
  105.             </div> 
  106.           </div> 
  107.           <p>操作员</p> 
  108.         </div> 
  109.         <div class="table-b"
  110.           <div class="table-box"
  111.             <el-table 
  112.               ref="operatorData" 
  113.               class="table-l" 
  114.               :data="operatorData" 
  115.               :row-key="getUserId" 
  116.               style="margin-bottom: 20px" 
  117.               @row-click="operatorDataSelect" 
  118.               @selection-change="selectionOperatorChange" 
  119.             > 
  120.               <el-table-column type="selection" width="55"> </el-table-column
  121.               <el-table-column 
  122.                 prop="name" 
  123.                 label="姓名" 
  124.                 align="center" 
  125.                 show-overflow-tooltip 
  126.               > 
  127.               </el-table-column
  128.               <el-table-column 
  129.                 prop="account" 
  130.                 label="账号" 
  131.                 align="center" 
  132.                 show-overflow-tooltip 
  133.               > 
  134.               </el-table-column
  135.               <el-table-column 
  136.                 prop="jobTit" 
  137.                 label="职务" 
  138.                 align="center" 
  139.                 show-overflow-tooltip 
  140.               ></el-table-column
  141.               <el-table-column align="center" label="操作"
  142.                 <template> 
  143.                    <el-button size="small" @click.stop="">编辑</el-button> 
  144.                 </template> 
  145.               </el-table-column
  146.             </el-table
  147.           </div> 
  148.         </div> 
  149. <!-- 电工 --> 
  150.         <div class="top-name"
  151.           <div class="top-box"
  152.             <div class="top-count"
  153.               人数: 
  154.               {{ 
  155.                 initStatus.newElectricianList 
  156.                   ? electricianData.length 
  157.                   : newElectricianList.length 
  158.               }} 
  159.             </div> 
  160.           </div> 
  161.           <p>电工</p> 
  162.         </div> 
  163.         <div class="table-b"
  164.           <div class="table-box"
  165.             <el-table 
  166.               ref="electricianData" 
  167.               :data="electricianData" 
  168.               :row-key="getUserId" 
  169.               @row-click="electricianDataSelect" 
  170.               class="table-l" 
  171.               @selection-change="selectionElectricianChange" 
  172.             > 
  173.               <el-table-column type="selection" width="55"> </el-table-column
  174.               <el-table-column 
  175.                 prop="name" 
  176.                 label="姓名" 
  177.                 align="center" 
  178.                 show-overflow-tooltip 
  179.               > 
  180.               </el-table-column
  181.               <el-table-column 
  182.                 prop="account" 
  183.                 label="账号" 
  184.                 align="center" 
  185.                 show-overflow-tooltip 
  186.               > 
  187.               </el-table-column
  188.               <el-table-column 
  189.                 prop="jobTit" 
  190.                 label="职务" 
  191.                 align="center" 
  192.                 show-overflow-tooltip 
  193.               ></el-table-column
  194.               <el-table-column align="center" label="操作"
  195.                 <template> 
  196.                     <el-button size="small" @click.stop="">编辑</el-button> 
  197.                 </template> 
  198.               </el-table-column
  199.             </el-table
  200.           </div> 
  201.         </div> 
  202.       </div> 
  203. <!-- 密码弹窗 --> 
  204.       <el-dialog :visible.sync="passwordView"  width="30%"
  205.         <el-form ref="form"
  206.           <el-form-item> 
  207.             <el-input 
  208.               v-model="password" 
  209.               placeholder="请输入密码" 
  210.               type="password" 
  211.               show-password 
  212.             ></el-input> 
  213.           </el-form-item> 
  214.         </el-form> 
  215.         <span slot="footer" class="dialog-footer"
  216.           <el-button @click="passwordView = false">取 消</el-button> 
  217.           <el-button type="primary" @click="okChangeManager" 
  218.             >确 定</el-button 
  219.           > 
  220.         </span> 
  221.       </el-dialog> 
  222.     </div> 
  223. </template> 


2. 逻辑代码

  1. <script> 
  2. import Sortable from "sortablejs"
  3. import { deepClone } from "./utils/index"
  4. import tableData from "./utils/data"
  6. export default { 
  7.   name"DragTables"
  8.   data: () => ({ 
  9.     passwordView: false
  10.     loadLoading: false
  11.     password""
  12.     guestData: [], 
  13.     managerData: [], 
  14.     electricianData: [], 
  15.     operatorData: [], 
  16.     initStatus: { 
  17.       newGuestList: true
  18.       newManagerList: true
  19.       newOperatorList: true
  20.       newElectricianList: true
  21.     }, 
  22.     fromItem: ""
  23.     newGuestList: [], 
  24.     newManagerList: [], 
  25.     newOperatorList: [], 
  26.     newElectricianList: [], 
  27.     selectGuestList: [], 
  28.     selectOperatorList: [], 
  29.     selectElectricianList: [], 
  30.     managerOldIndex: 0, 
  31.   }), 
  32.   watch: { 
  33.     passwordView: "watchPasswordView"
  34.   }, 
  35.   created() { 
  36.     // 定义静态数据 
  37.     this.obj = { 
  38.       newGuestList: ["guestData", 0], 
  39.       newManagerList: ["managerData", 3], 
  40.       newOperatorList: ["operatorData", 1], 
  41.       newElectricianList: ["electricianData", 2], 
  42.     }; 
  43.     this.guestData = tableData.guestData; 
  44.     this.managerData = tableData.managerData; 
  45.     this.electricianData = tableData.electricianData; 
  46.     this.operatorData = tableData.operatorData; 
  47.   }, 
  48.   mounted() { 
  49.     this.sortGuest(); 
  50.     this.sortOperator(); 
  51.     this.sortElectrician(); 
  52.     this.sortManager(); 
  53.   }, 
  54.   methods: { 
  55.     // 密码框置空 
  56.     watchPasswordView(val) { 
  57.       if (!val) { 
  58.         this.password = ""
  59.       } 
  60.     }, 
  61.     // 选择游客 
  62.     guestDataSelect(row) { 
  63.       row.flag = !row.flag; 
  64.       this.$refs.guestData.toggleRowSelection(row, row.flag); 
  65.     }, 
  66.     // 选择操作员 
  67.     operatorDataSelect(row) { 
  68.       row.flag = !row.flag; 
  69.       this.$refs.operatorData.toggleRowSelection(row, row.flag); 
  70.     }, 
  71.     // 选择电工 
  72.     electricianDataSelect(row) { 
  73.       row.flag = !row.flag; 
  74.       this.$refs.electricianData.toggleRowSelection(row, row.flag); 
  75.     }, 
  76.     // 确定拖拽到管理员 
  77.     okChangeManager() { 
  78.       if (this.password.trim().length > 0) { 
  79.         const item = this[this.fromItem][this.managerOldIndex]; 
  80.         if (item) { 
  81.           this.newManagerList = this.initStatus.newManagerList 
  82.             ? deepClone(this.managerData) 
  83.             : deepClone(this.newManagerList); 
  84.           this.newGuestList = this.initStatus.newGuestList 
  85.             ? deepClone(this.guestData) 
  86.             : deepClone(this.newGuestList); 
  87.           this.initStatus.newGuestList = false
  88.           this.initStatus.newManagerList = false
  89.           this.newManagerList = [item]; 
  90.           this[this.fromItem].splice(this.managerOldIndex, 1); 
  91.           this.initStatus[this.fromItem] = false
  93.           if (this.managerData[0]) { 
  94.             const obj = deepClone(this.managerData[0]); 
  95.             this.newGuestList.push(obj); 
  96.             this.guestData.push(obj); 
  97.           } 
  98.           this.managerData = [item]; 
  99.           switch (this.fromItem) { 
  100.             case "newGuestList"
  101.               this.guestData = deepClone(this.newGuestList); 
  102.               break; 
  103.             case "newOperatorList"
  104.               this.operatorData = deepClone(this.newOperatorList); 
  105.               break; 
  106.             case "newElectricianList"
  107.               this.electricianData = deepClone(this.newElectricianList); 
  108.               break; 
  109.             default
  110.               break; 
  111.           } 
  112.           this.$message({ 
  113.             message: "拖拽成功!"
  114.             type: "success"
  115.           }); 
  116.           this.password = ""
  117.           this.passwordView = false
  118.         } else { 
  119.           this.$message({ 
  120.             message: "拖拽失败"
  121.             type: "warning"
  122.           }); 
  123.           this.password = ""
  124.           this.passwordView = false
  125.         } 
  126.       } else { 
  127.         this.$message({ 
  128.           message: "请输入密码"
  129.           type: "warning"
  130.         }); 
  131.       } 
  132.     }, 
  133.     // 获取userId 
  134.     getUserId(row) { 
  135.       return row.userId; 
  136.     }, 
  137.     // 封装添加数据 
  138.     useAddNewData(evt, newData, oldData) { 
  139.       const item = this[this.fromItem][evt.oldIndex]; // 添加项 
  140.       const loading = this.$loading({ 
  141.         lock: true
  142.         text: "加载中"
  143.         spinner: "el-icon-loading"
  144.         background: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7)"
  145.       }); 
  147.       setTimeout(() => { 
  148.         loading.close(); 
  149.         this.$message({ 
  150.           message: "拖拽成功!"
  151.           type: "success"
  152.         }); 
  153.       }, 1000); 
  154.       this[newData] = this.initStatus[newData] 
  155.         ? deepClone(oldData) 
  156.         : deepClone(this[newData]); 
  157.       this.initStatus[newData] = false
  158.       oldData.push(item); 
  159.       this[newData].push(item); 
  160.       this[this.fromItem].splice(evt.oldIndex, 1); 
  161.       this.$refs[this.obj[newData][0]].$el 
  162.         .querySelectorAll(".el-table__body-wrapper > table > tbody")[0] 
  163.         .removeChild(evt.item); 
  164.     }, 
  165.     // 封装添加(多)数据 
  166.     useAddsNewData(evt, newData, oldData) { 
  167.       const arr = []; 
  168.       for ( 
  169.         let index = 0; 
  170.         index < this[`select${this.fromItem.split("new")[1]}`].length; 
  171.         index++ 
  172.       ) { 
  173.         const element = this[`select${this.fromItem.split("new")[1]}`][index]; 
  174.         arr.push(element.userId); 
  175.       } 
  176.       const loading = this.$loading({ 
  177.         lock: true
  178.         text: "加载中"
  179.         spinner: "el-icon-loading"
  180.         background: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7)"
  181.       }); 
  183.       setTimeout(() => { 
  184.         loading.close(); 
  185.         this.$message({ 
  186.           message: "批量拖拽成功!"
  187.           type: "success"
  188.         }); 
  189.       }, 1000); 
  190.       this[newData] = this.initStatus[newData] 
  191.         ? deepClone(oldData) 
  192.         : deepClone(this[newData]); 
  193.       this.initStatus[newData] = false
  194.       this[newData].push(...this[`select${this.fromItem.split("new")[1]}`]); 
  195.       this[this.obj[newData][0]].push( 
  196.         ...this[`select${this.fromItem.split("new")[1]}`] 
  197.       ); 
  198.       this.useDel( 
  199.         this[`select${this.fromItem.split("new")[1]}`], 
  200.         this[this.obj[this.fromItem][0]] 
  201.       ); 
  202.       this.$refs[this.obj[newData][0]].$el 
  203.         .querySelectorAll(".el-table__body-wrapper > table > tbody")[0] 
  204.         .removeChild(evt.item); 
  205.     }, 
  206.     // 封装初始化数据 
  207.     useInitData(fromItem, oldData) { 
  208.       this.fromItem = fromItem; 
  209.       this[fromItem] = this.initStatus[fromItem] 
  210.         ? deepClone(oldData) 
  211.         : deepClone(this[fromItem]); 
  212.       this.initStatus[fromItem] = false
  213.     }, 
  214.     // 批量删除(数组) 
  215.     useDel(data, currentData) { 
  216.       for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { 
  217.         const element = data[i]; 
  218.         for (let j = 0; j < currentData.length; j++) { 
  219.           const item = currentData[j]; 
  220.           if (item === element) { 
  221.             currentData.splice(j, 1); 
  222.           } 
  223.         } 
  224.       } 
  225.     }, 
  226.     // 还原初始状态 
  227.     useReduction(i) { 
  228.       const arr = [ 
  229.         { 
  230.           data: "guestData"
  231.           sletData: "selectGuestList"
  232.         }, 
  233.         { 
  234.           data: "operatorData"
  235.           sletData: "selectOperatorList"
  236.         }, 
  237.         { 
  238.           data: "electricianData"
  239.           sletData: "selectElectricianList"
  240.         }, 
  241.       ]; 
  242.       this.$refs[arr[i].data].clearSelection(); 
  243.       this[arr[i].sletData] = []; 
  244.     }, 
  245.     // 监听游客表格选择 
  246.     selectionGuestChange(val) { 
  247.       this.selectGuestList = val; 
  248.     }, 
  249.     // 监听操作员表格选择 
  250.     selectionOperatorChange(val) { 
  251.       this.selectOperatorList = val; 
  252.     }, 
  253.     // 监听电工表格选择 
  254.     selectionElectricianChange(val) { 
  255.       console.log(val); 
  256.       this.selectElectricianList = val; 
  257.     }, 
  258.     // 拖拽游客 
  259.     sortGuest() { 
  260.       const el = this.$refs.guestData.$el.querySelectorAll( 
  261.         ".el-table__body-wrapper > table> tbody" 
  262.       )[0]; 
  263.       Sortable.create(el, { 
  264.         ghostClass: "sortable-ghost"
  265.         sort: false
  266.         animation: 150, 
  267.         group: { 
  268.           name"person"
  269.           pull: true
  270.           put: true
  271.         }, 
  272.         setData: function ( 
  273.           /** DataTransfer */ dataTransfer, 
  274.           /** HTMLElement*/ dragEl 
  275.         ) { 
  276.           dataTransfer.setData("Text", dragEl.textContent); // `dataTransfer` object of HTML5 DragEvent 
  277.         }, 
  278.         onStart: () => { 
  279.           this.useInitData("newGuestList", this.guestData); // 初始化 
  280.         }, 
  281.         onAdd: (evt) => { 
  282.           this.useReduction(0); 
  283.           if (this[`select${this.fromItem.split("new")[1]}`].length === 0) { 
  284.             this.useAddNewData(evt, "newGuestList", this.guestData); 
  285.           } else { 
  286.             this.useAddsNewData(evt, "newGuestList", this.guestData); 
  287.           } 
  288.         }, 
  289.         onEnd: (ev) => { 
  290.           if (this[`select${this.fromItem.split("new")[1]}`].length !== 0) { 
  291.             this.useReduction(0); 
  292.             if (ev.to.outerText.indexOf("管理员") !== -1) { 
  293.               this.$nextTick(() => { 
  294.                 this.newGuestList = deepClone(this.guestData); 
  295.                 const data = deepClone(this.guestData); 
  296.                 this.guestData = data; 
  297.               }); 
  298.             } else { 
  299.               const data = deepClone(this.guestData); 
  300.               this.newGuestList = deepClone(this.guestData); 
  301.               this.guestData = []; 
  302.               this.$nextTick(() => { 
  303.                 this.guestData = data; 
  304.               }); 
  305.             } 
  306.           } else { 
  307.             this.$nextTick(() => { 
  308.               this.guestData = this.newGuestList; 
  309.             }); 
  310.           } 
  311.         }, 
  312.       }); 
  313.     }, 
  314.     // 拖拽操作员 
  315.     sortOperator() { 
  316.       const el = this.$refs.operatorData.$el.querySelectorAll( 
  317.         ".el-table__body-wrapper > table> tbody" 
  318.       )[0]; 
  319.       Sortable.create(el, { 
  320.         ghostClass: "sortable-ghost"
  321.         sort: false
  322.         animation: 150, 
  323.         group: { 
  324.           name"person"
  325.           pull: true
  326.           put: true
  327.         }, 
  328.         setData: function ( 
  329.           /** DataTransfer */ dataTransfer, 
  330.           /** HTMLElement*/ dragEl 
  331.         ) { 
  332.           dataTransfer.setData("Text", dragEl.textContent); // `dataTransfer` object of HTML5 DragEvent 
  333.         }, 
  334.         onStart: () => { 
  335.           this.useInitData("newOperatorList", this.operatorData); // 初始化 
  336.         }, 
  337.         onAdd: (evt) => { 
  338.           this.useReduction(1); 
  339.           if (this[`select${this.fromItem.split("new")[1]}`].length === 0) { 
  340.             this.useAddNewData(evt, "newOperatorList", this.operatorData); 
  341.           } else { 
  342.             this.useAddsNewData(evt, "newOperatorList", this.operatorData); 
  343.           } 
  344.         }, 
  345.         onEnd: (ev) => { 
  346.           if (this[`select${this.fromItem.split("new")[1]}`].length !== 0) { 
  347.             this.useReduction(1); 
  348.             if (ev.to.outerText.indexOf("管理员") !== -1) { 
  349.               this.$nextTick(() => { 
  350.                 this.newOperatorList = deepClone(this.operatorData); 
  351.                 const data = deepClone(this.operatorData); 
  352.                 this.operatorData = data; 
  353.               }); 
  354.             } else { 
  355.               const data = deepClone(this.operatorData); 
  356.               this.newOperatorList = deepClone(this.operatorData); 
  357.               this.operatorData = []; 
  358.               this.$nextTick(() => { 
  359.                 this.operatorData = data; 
  360.               }); 
  361.             } 
  362.           } else { 
  363.             this.$nextTick(() => { 
  364.               this.operatorData = this.newOperatorList; 
  365.             }); 
  366.           } 
  367.         }, 
  368.       }); 
  369.     }, 
  370.     // 拖拽电工 
  371.     sortElectrician() { 
  372.       const el = this.$refs.electricianData.$el.querySelectorAll( 
  373.         ".el-table__body-wrapper > table> tbody" 
  374.       )[0]; 
  375.       Sortable.create(el, { 
  376.         ghostClass: "sortable-ghost"
  377.         sort: false
  378.         animation: 150, 
  379.         group: { 
  380.           name"person"
  381.           pull: true
  382.           put: true
  383.         }, 
  384.         setData: function ( 
  385.           /** DataTransfer */ dataTransfer, 
  386.           /** HTMLElement*/ dragEl 
  387.         ) { 
  388.           dataTransfer.setData("Text", dragEl.textContent); // `dataTransfer` object of HTML5 DragEvent 
  389.         }, 
  390.         onStart: () => { 
  391.           this.useInitData("newElectricianList", this.electricianData); // 初始化 
  392.         }, 
  393.         onAdd: (evt) => { 
  394.           this.useReduction(2); 
  395.           if (this[`select${this.fromItem.split("new")[1]}`].length === 0) { 
  396.             this.useAddNewData(evt, "newElectricianList", this.electricianData); 
  397.           } else { 
  398.             this.useAddsNewData( 
  399.               evt, 
  400.               "newElectricianList"
  401.               this.electricianData 
  402.             ); 
  403.           } 
  404.         }, 
  405.         onEnd: (ev) => { 
  406.           if (this[`select${this.fromItem.split("new")[1]}`].length !== 0) { 
  407.             this.useReduction(2); 
  408.             if (ev.to.outerText.indexOf("管理员") !== -1) { 
  409.               this.$nextTick(() => { 
  410.                 this.newElectricianList = deepClone(this.electricianData); 
  411.                 const data = deepClone(this.electricianData); 
  412.                 this.electricianData = data; 
  413.               }); 
  414.             } else { 
  415.               const data = deepClone(this.electricianData); 
  416.               this.newElectricianList = deepClone(this.electricianData); 
  417.               this.electricianData = []; 
  418.               this.$nextTick(() => { 
  419.                 this.electricianData = data; 
  420.               }); 
  421.             } 
  422.           } else { 
  423.             this.$nextTick(() => { 
  424.               this.electricianData = this.newElectricianList; 
  425.             }); 
  426.           } 
  427.         }, 
  428.       }); 
  429.     }, 
  430.     // 拖拽管理员 
  431.     sortManager() { 
  432.       const el = this.$refs.managerData.$el.querySelectorAll( 
  433.         ".el-table__body-wrapper > table > tbody" 
  434.       )[0]; 
  435.       Sortable.create(el, { 
  436.         ghostClass: "sortable-ghost"
  437.         sort: false
  438.         animation: 150, 
  439.         group: { 
  440.           name"person"
  441.           pull: false
  442.           put: true
  443.         }, 
  444.         setData: function ( 
  445.           /** DataTransfer */ dataTransfer, 
  446.           /** HTMLElement*/ dragEl 
  447.         ) { 
  448.           dataTransfer.setData("Text", dragEl.textContent); // `dataTransfer` object of HTML5 DragEvent 
  449.         }, 
  450.         onAdd: (evt) => { 
  451.           console.log(evt) 
  452.           switch (this.fromItem) { 
  453.             case "newGuestList"
  454.               { 
  455.                 const data = deepClone(this.guestData); 
  456.                 this.guestData = []; 
  457.                 this.$nextTick(() => { 
  458.                   this.guestData = data; 
  459.                 }); 
  460.               } 
  461.               break; 
  462.             case "newOperatorList"
  463.               { 
  464.                 const data = deepClone(this.operatorData); 
  465.                 this.operatorData = []; 
  466.                 this.$nextTick(() => { 
  467.                   this.operatorData = data; 
  468.                 }); 
  469.               } 
  470.               break; 
  471.             case "newElectricianList"
  472.               { 
  473.                 const data = deepClone(this.electricianData); 
  474.                 this.electricianData = []; 
  475.                 this.$nextTick(() => { 
  476.                   this.electricianData = data; 
  477.                 }); 
  478.               } 
  479.               break; 
  480.             default
  481.               break; 
  482.           } 
  483.           if (this[`select${this.fromItem.split("new")[1]}`].length < 2) { 
  484.             this.managerOldIndex = evt.oldIndex; 
  485.             this.passwordView = true
  486.           } else { 
  487.             this.$message({ 
  488.               message: "批量失败!"
  489.               type: "warning"
  490.             }); 
  491.           } 
  492.           this.$refs.managerData.$el 
  493.             .querySelectorAll(".el-table__body-wrapper > table > tbody")[0] 
  494.             .removeChild(evt.item); 
  495.         }, 
  496.       }); 
  497.     }, 
  498.   }, 
  499. }; 
  500. </script> 


  1. Sortable.create(el,{}) 


  1. const el = this.$refs.guestData.$el.querySelectorAll( 
  2.   ".el-table__body-wrapper > table> tbody" 
  3. )[0]; 





  1. // 密码框置空 
  2. watchPasswordView(val) { 
  3.   if (!val) { 
  4.     this.password = ""
  5.   } 
  6. }, 


  1. created() { 
  2. // 定义静态数据 
  3. this.obj = { 
  4.   newGuestList: ["guestData", 0], 
  5.   newManagerList: ["managerData", 3], 
  6.   newOperatorList: ["operatorData", 1], 
  7.   newElectricianList: ["electricianData", 2], 
  8. }; 
  9. // 获取表格数据 
  10. this.guestData = tableData.guestData; 
  11. this.managerData = tableData.managerData; 
  12. this.electricianData = tableData.electricianData; 
  13. this.operatorData = tableData.operatorData; 
  14. }, 



  1. mounted() { 
  2.     this.sortGuest(); 
  3.     this.sortOperator(); 
  4.     this.sortElectrician(); 
  5.     this.sortManager(); 


  1. // 选择游客 
  2. guestDataSelect(row) { 
  3.   row.flag = !row.flag; 
  4.   this.$refs.guestData.toggleRowSelection(row, row.flag); 
  5. }, 
  6. // 选择操作员 
  7. operatorDataSelect(row) { 
  8.   row.flag = !row.flag; 
  9.   this.$refs.operatorData.toggleRowSelection(row, row.flag); 
  10. }, 
  11. // 选择电工 
  12. electricianDataSelect(row) { 
  13.   row.flag = !row.flag; 
  14.   this.$refs.electricianData.toggleRowSelection(row, row.flag); 


  1. // 监听游客表格选择 
  2. selectionGuestChange(val) { 
  3.   this.selectGuestList = val; 
  4. }, 
  5. // 监听操作员表格选择 
  6. selectionOperatorChange(val) { 
  7.   this.selectOperatorList = val; 
  8. }, 
  9. // 监听电工表格选择 
  10. selectionElectricianChange(val) { 
  11.   this.selectElectricianList = val; 


  1. // 获取userId 
  2. getUserId(row) { 
  3.   return row.userId; 
  4. }, 

我们进入关键部分,也就是拖拽。是不是看起来代码特别多,其实这块还可以优化,但是为了更容易分辨,先这样。我们看到这几个方法中都有一个相同的部分,就是先定义el变量,然后执行Sortable.create(el, {})方法,另外,Sortable.create()的第二个参数中,都有onStart()、onAdd()、onEnd()这几个方法。

  1. // 拖拽游客 
  2. sortGuest() { 
  3.   const el = this.$refs.guestData.$el.querySelectorAll( 
  4.     ".el-table__body-wrapper > table> tbody" 
  5.   )[0]; 
  6.   Sortable.create(el, { 
  7.     ghostClass: "sortable-ghost"
  8.     sort: false
  9.     animation: 150, 
  10.     group: { 
  11.       name"person"
  12.       pull: true
  13.       put: true
  14.     }, 
  15.     setData: function ( 
  16.       /** DataTransfer */ dataTransfer, 
  17.       /** HTMLElement*/ dragEl 
  18.     ) { 
  19.       dataTransfer.setData("Text", dragEl.textContent); // `dataTransfer` object of HTML5 DragEvent 
  20.     }, 
  21.     onStart: () => { 
  22.       this.useInitData("newGuestList", this.guestData); // 初始化 
  23.     }, 
  24.     onAdd: (evt) => { 
  25.       this.useReduction(0); 
  26.       if (this[`select${this.fromItem.split("new")[1]}`].length === 0) { 
  27.         this.useAddNewData(evt, "newGuestList", this.guestData); 
  28.       } else { 
  29.         this.useAddsNewData(evt, "newGuestList", this.guestData); 
  30.       } 
  31.     }, 
  32.     onEnd: (ev) => { 
  33.       if (this[`select${this.fromItem.split("new")[1]}`].length !== 0) { 
  34.         this.useReduction(0); 
  35.         if (ev.to.outerText.indexOf("管理员") !== -1) { 
  36.           this.$nextTick(() => { 
  37.             this.newGuestList = deepClone(this.guestData); 
  38.             const data = deepClone(this.guestData); 
  39.             this.guestData = data; 
  40.           }); 
  41.         } else { 
  42.           const data = deepClone(this.guestData); 
  43.           this.newGuestList = deepClone(this.guestData); 
  44.           this.guestData = []; 
  45.           this.$nextTick(() => { 
  46.             this.guestData = data; 
  47.           }); 
  48.         } 
  49.       } else { 
  50.         this.$nextTick(() => { 
  51.           this.guestData = this.newGuestList; 
  52.         }); 
  53.       } 
  54.     }, 
  55.   }); 
  56. }, 
  57. // 拖拽操作员 
  58. sortOperator() { 
  59.   const el = this.$refs.operatorData.$el.querySelectorAll( 
  60.     ".el-table__body-wrapper > table> tbody" 
  61.   )[0]; 
  62.   Sortable.create(el, { 
  63.     ghostClass: "sortable-ghost"
  64.     sort: false
  65.     animation: 150, 
  66.     group: { 
  67.       name"person"
  68.       pull: true
  69.       put: true
  70.     }, 
  71.     setData: function ( 
  72.       /** DataTransfer */ dataTransfer, 
  73.       /** HTMLElement*/ dragEl 
  74.     ) { 
  75.       dataTransfer.setData("Text", dragEl.textContent); // `dataTransfer` object of HTML5 DragEvent 
  76.     }, 
  77.     onStart: () => { 
  78.       this.useInitData("newOperatorList", this.operatorData); // 初始化 
  79.     }, 
  80.     onAdd: (evt) => { 
  81.       this.useReduction(1); 
  82.       if (this[`select${this.fromItem.split("new")[1]}`].length === 0) { 
  83.         this.useAddNewData(evt, "newOperatorList", this.operatorData); 
  84.       } else { 
  85.         this.useAddsNewData(evt, "newOperatorList", this.operatorData); 
  86.       } 
  87.     }, 
  88.     onEnd: (ev) => { 
  89.       if (this[`select${this.fromItem.split("new")[1]}`].length !== 0) { 
  90.         this.useReduction(1); 
  91.         if (ev.to.outerText.indexOf("管理员") !== -1) { 
  92.           this.$nextTick(() => { 
  93.             this.newOperatorList = deepClone(this.operatorData); 
  94.             const data = deepClone(this.operatorData); 
  95.             this.operatorData = data; 
  96.           }); 
  97.         } else { 
  98.           const data = deepClone(this.operatorData); 
  99.           this.newOperatorList = deepClone(this.operatorData); 
  100.           this.operatorData = []; 
  101.           this.$nextTick(() => { 
  102.             this.operatorData = data; 
  103.           }); 
  104.         } 
  105.       } else { 
  106.         this.$nextTick(() => { 
  107.           this.operatorData = this.newOperatorList; 
  108.         }); 
  109.       } 
  110.     }, 
  111.   }); 
  112. }, 
  113. // 拖拽电工 
  114. sortElectrician() { 
  115.   const el = this.$refs.electricianData.$el.querySelectorAll( 
  116.     ".el-table__body-wrapper > table> tbody" 
  117.   )[0]; 
  118.   Sortable.create(el, { 
  119.     ghostClass: "sortable-ghost"
  120.     sort: false
  121.     animation: 150, 
  122.     group: { 
  123.       name"person"
  124.       pull: true
  125.       put: true
  126.     }, 
  127.     setData: function ( 
  128.       /** DataTransfer */ dataTransfer, 
  129.       /** HTMLElement*/ dragEl 
  130.     ) { 
  131.       dataTransfer.setData("Text", dragEl.textContent); // `dataTransfer` object of HTML5 DragEvent 
  132.     }, 
  133.     onStart: () => { 
  134.       this.useInitData("newElectricianList", this.electricianData); // 初始化 
  135.     }, 
  136.     onAdd: (evt) => { 
  137.       this.useReduction(2); 
  138.       if (this[`select${this.fromItem.split("new")[1]}`].length === 0) { 
  139.         this.useAddNewData(evt, "newElectricianList", this.electricianData); 
  140.       } else { 
  141.         this.useAddsNewData( 
  142.           evt, 
  143.           "newElectricianList"
  144.           this.electricianData 
  145.         ); 
  146.       } 
  147.     }, 
  148.     onEnd: (ev) => { 
  149.       if (this[`select${this.fromItem.split("new")[1]}`].length !== 0) { 
  150.         this.useReduction(2); 
  151.         if (ev.to.outerText.indexOf("管理员") !== -1) { 
  152.           this.$nextTick(() => { 
  153.             this.newElectricianList = deepClone(this.electricianData); 
  154.             const data = deepClone(this.electricianData); 
  155.             this.electricianData = data; 
  156.           }); 
  157.         } else { 
  158.           const data = deepClone(this.electricianData); 
  159.           this.newElectricianList = deepClone(this.electricianData); 
  160.           this.electricianData = []; 
  161.           this.$nextTick(() => { 
  162.             this.electricianData = data; 
  163.           }); 
  164.         } 
  165.       } else { 
  166.         this.$nextTick(() => { 
  167.           this.electricianData = this.newElectricianList; 
  168.         }); 
  169.       } 
  170.     }, 
  171.   }); 
  172. }, 
  173. // 拖拽管理员 
  174. sortManager() { 
  175.   const el = this.$refs.managerData.$el.querySelectorAll( 
  176.     ".el-table__body-wrapper > table > tbody" 
  177.   )[0]; 
  178.   Sortable.create(el, { 
  179.     ghostClass: "sortable-ghost"
  180.     sort: false
  181.     animation: 150, 
  182.     group: { 
  183.       name"person"
  184.       pull: false
  185.       put: true
  186.     }, 
  187.     setData: function ( 
  188.       /** DataTransfer */ dataTransfer, 
  189.       /** HTMLElement*/ dragEl 
  190.     ) { 
  191.       dataTransfer.setData("Text", dragEl.textContent); // `dataTransfer` object of HTML5 DragEvent 
  192.     }, 
  193.     onAdd: (evt) => { 
  194.       console.log(evt) 
  195.       switch (this.fromItem) { 
  196.         case "newGuestList"
  197.           { 
  198.             const data = deepClone(this.guestData); 
  199.             this.guestData = []; 
  200.             this.$nextTick(() => { 
  201.               this.guestData = data; 
  202.             }); 
  203.           } 
  204.           break; 
  205.         case "newOperatorList"
  206.           { 
  207.             const data = deepClone(this.operatorData); 
  208.             this.operatorData = []; 
  209.             this.$nextTick(() => { 
  210.               this.operatorData = data; 
  211.             }); 
  212.           } 
  213.           break; 
  214.         case "newElectricianList"
  215.           { 
  216.             const data = deepClone(this.electricianData); 
  217.             this.electricianData = []; 
  218.             this.$nextTick(() => { 
  219.               this.electricianData = data; 
  220.             }); 
  221.           } 
  222.           break; 
  223.         default
  224.           break; 
  225.       } 
  226.       if (this[`select${this.fromItem.split("new")[1]}`].length < 2) { 
  227.         this.managerOldIndex = evt.oldIndex; 
  228.         this.passwordView = true
  229.       } else { 
  230.         this.$message({ 
  231.           message: "批量失败!"
  232.           type: "warning"
  233.         }); 
  234.       } 
  235.       this.$refs.managerData.$el 
  236.         .querySelectorAll(".el-table__body-wrapper > table > tbody")[0] 
  237.         .removeChild(evt.item); 
  238.     }, 
  239.   }); 
  240. }, 



  1. // 封装初始化数据 
  2. useInitData(fromItem, oldData) { 
  3.   this.fromItem = fromItem; 
  4.   this[fromItem] = this.initStatus[fromItem] 
  5.     ? deepClone(oldData) 
  6.     : deepClone(this[fromItem]); 
  7.   this.initStatus[fromItem] = false


  1. onAdd: (evt) => { 
  2.     this.useReduction(0); 
  3.     if (this[`select${this.fromItem.split("new")[1]}`].length === 0) { 
  4.       this.useAddNewData(evt, "newGuestList", this.guestData); 
  5.     } else { 
  6.       this.useAddsNewData(evt, "newGuestList", this.guestData); 
  7.     } 


  1. // 还原初始状态 
  2. useReduction(i) { 
  3.   const arr = [ 
  4.     { 
  5.       data: "guestData"
  6.       sletData: "selectGuestList"
  7.     }, 
  8.     { 
  9.       data: "operatorData"
  10.       sletData: "selectOperatorList"
  11.     }, 
  12.     { 
  13.       data: "electricianData"
  14.       sletData: "selectElectricianList"
  15.     }, 
  16.   ]; 
  18.   this.$refs[arr[i].data].clearSelection(); // 将选中的勾选框置空 
  19.   this[arr[i].sletData] = []; // 将选择数据置空 




  1. // 封装添加数据 
  2. useAddNewData(evt, newData, oldData) { 
  3.   const item = this[this.fromItem][evt.oldIndex]; // 添加项 
  5.   const loading = this.$loading({ 
  6.     lock: true
  7.     text: "加载中"
  8.     spinner: "el-icon-loading"
  9.     background: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7)"
  10.   }); 
  12.   setTimeout(() => { 
  13.     loading.close(); 
  14.     this.$message({ 
  15.       message: "拖拽成功!"
  16.       type: "success"
  17.     }); 
  18.   }, 1000); 
  20.   this[newData] = this.initStatus[newData] 
  21.     ? deepClone(oldData) 
  22.     : deepClone(this[newData]); 
  23.   this.initStatus[newData] = false
  24.   oldData.push(item); 
  25.   this[newData].push(item); 
  26.   this[this.fromItem].splice(evt.oldIndex, 1); 
  27.   this.$refs[this.obj[newData][0]].$el 
  28.     .querySelectorAll(".el-table__body-wrapper > table > tbody")[0] 
  29.     .removeChild(evt.item); 
  30. }, 
  32. // 封装添加(多)数据 
  33. useAddsNewData(evt, newData, oldData) { 
  34.   const arr = []; 
  35.   for ( 
  36.     let index = 0; 
  37.     index < this[`select${this.fromItem.split("new")[1]}`].length; 
  38.     index++ 
  39.   ) { 
  40.     const element = this[`select${this.fromItem.split("new")[1]}`][index]; 
  41.     arr.push(element.userId); 
  42.   } 
  43.   const loading = this.$loading( 
  44.     lock: true
  45.     text: "加载中"
  46.     spinner: "el-icon-loading"
  47.     background: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7)"
  48.   }); 
  50.   setTimeout(() => { 
  51.     loading.close(); 
  52.     this.$message({ 
  53.       message: "批量拖拽成功!"
  54.       type: "success"
  55.     }); 
  56.   }, 1000); 
  57.   this[newData] = this.initStatus[newData] 
  58.     ? deepClone(oldData) 
  59.     : deepClone(this[newData]); 
  60.   this.initStatus[newData] = false
  61.   this[newData].push(...this[`select${this.fromItem.split("new")[1]}`]); 
  62.   this[this.obj[newData][0]].push( 
  63.     ...this[`select${this.fromItem.split("new")[1]}`] 
  64.   ); 
  65.   this.useDel( 
  66.     this[`select${this.fromItem.split("new")[1]}`], 
  67.     this[this.obj[this.fromItem][0]] 
  68.   ); 
  69.   this.$refs[this.obj[newData][0]].$el 
  70.     .querySelectorAll(".el-table__body-wrapper > table > tbody")[0] 
  71.     .removeChild(evt.item); 
  72. }, 


  1. // 批量删除(数组) 
  2. useDel(data, currentData) { 
  3.   for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { 
  4.     const element = data[i]; 
  5.     for (let j = 0; j < currentData.length; j++) { 
  6.       const item = currentData[j]; 
  7.       if (item === element) { 
  8.         currentData.splice(j, 1); 
  9.       } 
  10.     } 
  11.   } 
  12. }, 


  1. // 确定拖拽到管理员 
  2. okChangeManager() { 
  3.   if (this.password.trim().length > 0) { 
  4.     const item = this[this.fromItem][this.managerOldIndex]; // 添加项 
  5.     if (item) { 
  6.       this.newManagerList = this.initStatus.newManagerList 
  7.         ? deepClone(this.managerData) 
  8.         : deepClone(this.newManagerList); 
  9.       this.newGuestList = this.initStatus.newGuestList 
  10.         ? deepClone(this.guestData) 
  11.         : deepClone(this.newGuestList); 
  12.       this.initStatus.newGuestList = false
  13.       this.initStatus.newManagerList = false
  14.       this.newManagerList = [item]; 
  15.       this[this.fromItem].splice(this.managerOldIndex, 1); 
  16.       this.initStatus[this.fromItem] = false
  18.       if (this.managerData[0]) { 
  19.         const obj = deepClone(this.managerData[0]); 
  20.         this.newGuestList.push(obj); 
  21.         this.guestData.push(obj); 
  22.       } 
  23.       this.managerData = [item]; 
  24.       switch (this.fromItem) { 
  25.         case "newGuestList"
  26.           this.guestData = deepClone(this.newGuestList); 
  27.           break; 
  28.         case "newOperatorList"
  29.           this.operatorData = deepClone(this.newOperatorList); 
  30.           break; 
  31.         case "newElectricianList"
  32.           this.electricianData = deepClone(this.newElectricianList); 
  33.           break; 
  34.         default
  35.           break; 
  36.       } 
  37.       this.$message({ 
  38.         message: "拖拽成功!"
  39.         type: "success"
  40.       }); 
  41.       this.password = ""
  42.       this.passwordView = false
  43.     } else { 
  44.       this.$message({ 
  45.         message: "拖拽失败"
  46.         type: "warning"
  47.       }); 
  48.       this.password = ""
  49.       this.passwordView = false
  50.     } 
  51.   } else { 
  52.     this.$message({ 
  53.       message: "请输入密码"
  54.       type: "warning"
  55.     }); 
  56.   } 
  57. }, 

3. 样式代码

  1. <style scoped> 
  2. .top-name { 
  3.   padding: 10px; 
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  7. .top-name > p { 
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  13.   justify-content: space-between
  14. .main-l,.main-r { 
  15.   width: 48%; 
  16.   position: relative
  17. .table-b { 
  18.   position: relative
  19. .isdel { 
  20.   text-align: center; 
  21.   font-size: 18px; 
  22.   color: #fff; 
  23. .top-box { 
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  26.   justify-content: space-between
  27.   align-items: center; 
  28. .top-count { 
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  32. .utable-box { 
  33.   overflow: auto; 
  34.   height: 700px; 
  35. .table-box { 
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  38.   margin-bottom: 10px; 
  39.   border: 1px solid #333; 
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