

服务器之家 - 脚本之家 - Python - 查找适用于matplotlib的中文字体名称与实际文件名对应关系的方法


2021-08-22 00:12mighty13 Python






1. matplotlib支持哪种类型的字体?

  1. def get_fontext_synonyms(fontext):
  2. """
  3. Return a list of file extensions extensions that are synonyms for
  4. the given file extension *fileext*.
  5. """
  6. return {
  7. 'afm': ['afm'],
  8. 'otf': ['otf', 'ttc', 'ttf'],
  9. 'ttc': ['otf', 'ttc', 'ttf'],
  10. 'ttf': ['otf', 'ttc', 'ttf'],
  11. }[fontext]


  • ‘ttf': TrueType and OpenType fonts (.ttf, .ttc, .otf)
  • ‘afm': Adobe Font Metrics (.afm)

2. matplotlib如何查找系统字体?

def findSystemFonts(fontpaths=None, fontext='ttf'): -->list




  1. # OS Font paths
  2. MSFolders = \
  3. r'Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders'
  4. MSFontDirectories = [
  5. r'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts',
  6. r'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Fonts']
  7. MSUserFontDirectories = [
  8. str(Path.home() / 'AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/Fonts'),
  9. str(Path.home() / 'AppData/Roaming/Microsoft/Windows/Fonts'),
  10. ]




  1. def list_fonts(directory, extensions):
  2. """
  3. Return a list of all fonts matching any of the extensions, found
  4. recursively under the directory.
  5. """
  6. extensions = ["." + ext for ext in extensions]
  7. return [os.path.join(dirpath, filename)
  8. # os.walk ignores access errors, unlike Path.glob.
  9. for dirpath, _, filenames in os.walk(directory)
  10. for filename in filenames
  11. if Path(filename).suffix.lower() in extensions]



通过源码可知fonts目录下有'ttf', 'afm', 'pdfcorefonts'3个子目录。

  1. paths = [cbook._get_data_path('fonts', subdir)
  2. for subdir in ['ttf', 'afm', 'pdfcorefonts']]
  1. In [1]: import matplotlib.cbook as cbook
  2. In [2]: paths = [cbook._get_data_path('fonts', subdir) for subdir in ['ttf', 'afm', 'pdfcorefonts']]
  3. In [3]: paths
  4. Out[4]:
  5. [WindowsPath('c:/users/administrator/appdata/local/programs/python/python37/lib/site-packages/matplotlib/mpl-data/fonts/ttf'),
  6. WindowsPath('c:/users/administrator/appdata/local/programs/python/python37/lib/site-packages/matplotlib/mpl-data/fonts/afm'),
  7. WindowsPath('c:/users/administrator/appdata/local/programs/python/python37/lib/site-packages/matplotlib/mpl-data/fonts/pdfcorefonts')]



  1. In [1]: import matplotlib.font_manager as mf
  2. In [2]: ttflist=mf.FontManager().ttflist
  3. In [3]: vars(ttflist[0])
  4. Out[3]:
  5. {'fname': 'c:\\users\\administrator\\appdata\\local\\programs\\python\\python37\\lib\\site-packages\\matplotlib\\mpl-data\\fonts\\ttf\\DejaVuSansMono-BoldOblique.ttf',
  6. 'name': 'DejaVu Sans Mono',
  7. 'style': 'oblique',
  8. 'variant': 'normal',
  9. 'weight': 700,
  10. 'stretch': 'normal',
  11. 'size': 'scalable'}
  12. In [4]: len(ttflist)
  13. Out[4]: 252
  14. In [5]: afmlist=mf.FontManager().afmlist
  15. In [6]: vars(afmlist[0])
  16. Out[6]:
  17. {'fname': 'c:\\users\\administrator\\appdata\\local\\programs\\python\\python37\\lib\\site-packages\\matplotlib\\mpl-data\\fonts\\afm\\pagko8a.afm',
  18. 'name': 'ITC Avant Garde Gothic',
  19. 'style': 'italic',
  20. 'variant': 'normal',
  21. 'weight': 'book',
  22. 'stretch': 'normal',
  23. 'size': 'scalable'}
  24. In [7]: len(afmlist)
  25. Out[7]: 60



  1. _fmcache = os.path.join(
  2. mpl.get_cachedir(), 'fontlist-v{}.json'.format(FontManager.__version__))
  1. In [1]: import matplotlib
  2. In [2]: matplotlib.get_cachedir()
  3. Out[2]: 'C:\\Users\\Administrator\\.matplotlib'

6. 怎么知道哪些字体是中文字体?



通过注册表项[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts]查看字体名和字体文件名称映射。这种方法一些系统字体仍然看不到汉字名称。


根据第1种方法想到了去查字体文件的元数据,Python相关的库有两个:fonttools,作者是老爹Guido的弟弟Just van RossumTTFQuery,基于fonttools的TTF包,只能查看TTF文件而且最后更新日期是2012年。


  1. import sys
  2. from fontTools.ttLib import TTFont
  3. from fontTools.ttLib.ttCollection import TTCollection
  5. UNICODE_ENCODINGS = {0: 'Unicode 1.0 semantics',
  6. 1: 'Unicode 1.1 semantics',
  7. 2: 'Unicode 1.1 semantics',
  8. 3: 'Unicode 2.0 and onwards semantics, Unicode BMP only (cmap subtable formats 0, 4, 6).',
  9. 4: 'Unicode 2.0 and onwards semantics, Unicode full repertoire (cmap subtable formats 0, 4, 6, 10, 12).',
  10. 5: 'Unicode Variation Sequences (cmap subtable format 14).',
  11. 6: 'Unicode Variation Sequences (cmap subtable format 14).'}
  13. WINDOWS_ENCODINGS = {0: 'Symbol',
  14. 1: 'Unicode BMP(UCS-2)',
  15. 2: 'ShiftJIS',
  16. 3: 'PRC',
  17. 4: 'Big5',
  18. 5: 'Wansung',
  19. 6: 'Johab',
  20. 7: 'Reserved',
  21. 8: 'Reserved',
  22. 9: 'Reserved',
  23. 10: 'Unicode UCS-4'}
  25. WINDOWS_LANGUAGES = {1025: 'Arabic/Saudi Arabia',
  26. 1026: 'Bulgarian/Bulgaria',
  27. 1027: 'Catalan/Catalan',
  28. 1028: 'Chinese/Taiwan',
  29. 1029: 'Czech/Czech Republic',
  30. 1030: 'Danish/Denmark',
  31. 1031: 'German/Germany',
  32. 1032: 'Greek/Greece',
  33. 1033: 'English/United States',
  34. 1034: 'Spanish (Traditional Sort)/Spain',
  35. 1035: 'Finnish/Finland',
  36. 1036: 'French/France',
  37. 1037: 'Hebrew/Israel',
  38. 1038: 'Hungarian/Hungary',
  39. 1039: 'Icelandic/Iceland',
  40. 1040: 'Italian/Italy',
  41. 1041: 'Japanese/Japan',
  42. 1042: 'Korean/Korea',
  43. 1043: 'Dutch/Netherlands',
  44. 1044: 'Norwegian (Bokmal)/Norway',
  45. 1045: 'Polish/Poland',
  46. 1046: 'Portuguese/Brazil',
  47. 1047: 'Romansh/Switzerland',
  48. 1048: 'Romanian/Romania',
  49. 1049: 'Russian/Russia',
  50. 1050: 'Croatian/Croatia',
  51. 1051: 'Slovak/Slovakia',
  52. 1052: 'Albanian/Albania',
  53. 1053: 'Swedish/Sweden',
  54. 1054: 'Thai/Thailand',
  55. 1055: 'Turkish/Turkey',
  56. 1056: 'Urdu/Islamic Republic of Pakistan',
  57. 1057: 'Indonesian/Indonesia',
  58. 1058: 'Ukrainian/Ukraine',
  59. 1059: 'Belarusian/Belarus',
  60. 1060: 'Slovenian/Slovenia',
  61. 1061: 'Estonian/Estonia',
  62. 1062: 'Latvian/Latvia',
  63. 1063: 'Lithuanian/Lithuania',
  64. 1064: 'Tajik (Cyrillic)/Tajikistan',
  65. 1066: 'Vietnamese/Vietnam',
  66. 1067: 'Armenian/Armenia',
  67. 1068: 'Azeri (Latin)/Azerbaijan',
  68. 1069: 'Basque/Basque',
  69. 1070: 'Upper Sorbian/Germany',
  70. 1071: 'Macedonian (FYROM)/Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia',
  71. 1074: 'Setswana/South Africa',
  72. 1076: 'isiXhosa/South Africa',
  73. 1077: 'isiZulu/South Africa',
  74. 1078: 'Afrikaans/South Africa',
  75. 1079: 'Georgian/Georgia',
  76. 1080: 'Faroese/Faroe Islands',
  77. 1081: 'Hindi/India',
  78. 1082: 'Maltese/Malta',
  79. 1083: 'Sami (Northern)/Norway',
  80. 1086: 'Malay/Malaysia',
  81. 1087: 'Kazakh/Kazakhstan',
  82. 1088: 'Kyrgyz/Kyrgyzstan',
  83. 1089: 'Kiswahili/Kenya',
  84. 1090: 'Turkmen/Turkmenistan',
  85. 1091: 'Uzbek (Latin)/Uzbekistan',
  86. 1092: 'Tatar/Russia',
  87. 1093: 'Bengali/India',
  88. 1094: 'Punjabi/India',
  89. 1095: 'Gujarati/India',
  90. 1096: 'Odia (formerly Oriya)/India',
  91. 1097: 'Tamil/India',
  92. 1098: 'Telugu/India',
  93. 1099: 'Kannada/India',
  94. 1100: 'Malayalam/India',
  95. 1101: 'Assamese/India',
  96. 1102: 'Marathi/India',
  97. 1103: 'Sanskrit/India',
  98. 1104: 'Mongolian (Cyrillic)/Mongolia',
  99. 1105: 'Tibetan/PRC',
  100. 1106: 'Welsh/United Kingdom',
  101. 1107: 'Khmer/Cambodia',
  102. 1108: 'Lao/Lao P.D.R.',
  103. 1110: 'Galician/Galician',
  104. 1111: 'Konkani/India',
  105. 1114: 'Syriac/Syria',
  106. 1115: 'Sinhala/Sri Lanka',
  107. 1117: 'Inuktitut/Canada',
  108. 1118: 'Amharic/Ethiopia',
  109. 1121: 'Nepali/Nepal',
  110. 1122: 'Frisian/Netherlands',
  111. 1123: 'Pashto/Afghanistan',
  112. 1124: 'Filipino/Philippines',
  113. 1125: 'Divehi/Maldives',
  114. 1128: 'Hausa (Latin)/Nigeria',
  115. 1130: 'Yoruba/Nigeria',
  116. 1131: 'Quechua/Bolivia',
  117. 1132: 'Sesotho sa Leboa/South Africa',
  118. 1133: 'Bashkir/Russia',
  119. 1134: 'Luxembourgish/Luxembourg',
  120. 1135: 'Greenlandic/Greenland',
  121. 1136: 'Igbo/Nigeria',
  122. 1144: 'Yi/PRC',
  123. 1146: 'Mapudungun/Chile',
  124. 1148: 'Mohawk/Mohawk',
  125. 1150: 'Breton/France',
  126. 1152: 'Uighur/PRC',
  127. 1153: 'Maori/New Zealand',
  128. 1154: 'Occitan/France',
  129. 1155: 'Corsican/France',
  130. 1156: 'Alsatian/France',
  131. 1157: 'Yakut/Russia',
  132. 1158: "K'iche/Guatemala",
  133. 1159: 'Kinyarwanda/Rwanda',
  134. 1160: 'Wolof/Senegal',
  135. 1164: 'Dari/Afghanistan',
  136. 2049: 'Arabic/Iraq',
  137. 2052: "Chinese/People's Republic of China",
  138. 2055: 'German/Switzerland',
  139. 2057: 'English/United Kingdom',
  140. 2058: 'Spanish/Mexico',
  141. 2060: 'French/Belgium',
  142. 2064: 'Italian/Switzerland',
  143. 2067: 'Dutch/Belgium',
  144. 2068: 'Norwegian (Nynorsk)/Norway',
  145. 2070: 'Portuguese/Portugal',
  146. 2074: 'Serbian (Latin)/Serbia',
  147. 2077: 'Sweden/Finland',
  148. 2092: 'Azeri (Cyrillic)/Azerbaijan',
  149. 2094: 'Lower Sorbian/Germany',
  150. 2107: 'Sami (Northern)/Sweden',
  151. 2108: 'Irish/Ireland',
  152. 2110: 'Malay/Brunei Darussalam',
  153. 2115: 'Uzbek (Cyrillic)/Uzbekistan',
  154. 2117: 'Bengali/Bangladesh',
  155. 2128: "Mongolian (Traditional)/People's Republic of China",
  156. 2141: 'Inuktitut (Latin)/Canada',
  157. 2143: 'Tamazight (Latin)/Algeria',
  158. 2155: 'Quechua/Ecuador',
  159. 3073: 'Arabic/Egypt',
  160. 3076: 'Chinese/Hong Kong S.A.R.',
  161. 3079: 'German/Austria',
  162. 3081: 'English/Australia',
  163. 3082: 'Spanish (Modern Sort)/Spain',
  164. 3084: 'French/Canada',
  165. 3098: 'Serbian (Cyrillic)/Serbia',
  166. 3131: 'Sami (Northern)/Finland',
  167. 3179: 'Quechua/Peru',
  168. 4097: 'Arabic/Libya',
  169. 4100: 'Chinese/Singapore',
  170. 4103: 'German/Luxembourg',
  171. 4105: 'English/Canada',
  172. 4106: 'Spanish/Guatemala',
  173. 4108: 'French/Switzerland',
  174. 4122: 'Croatian (Latin)/Bosnia and Herzegovina',
  175. 4155: 'Sami (Lule)/Norway',
  176. 5121: 'Arabic/Algeria',
  177. 5124: 'Chinese/Macao S.A.R.',
  178. 5127: 'German/Liechtenstein',
  179. 5129: 'English/New Zealand',
  180. 5130: 'Spanish/Costa Rica',
  181. 5132: 'French/Luxembourg',
  182. 5146: 'Bosnian (Latin)/Bosnia and Herzegovina',
  183. 5179: 'Sami (Lule)/Sweden',
  184. 6145: 'Arabic/Morocco',
  185. 6153: 'English/Ireland',
  186. 6154: 'Spanish/Panama',
  187. 6156: 'French/Principality of Monaco',
  188. 6170: 'Serbian (Latin)/Bosnia and Herzegovina',
  189. 6203: 'Sami (Southern)/Norway',
  190. 7169: 'Arabic/Tunisia',
  191. 7177: 'English/South Africa',
  192. 7178: 'Spanish/Dominican Republic',
  193. 7194: 'Serbian (Cyrillic)/Bosnia and Herzegovina',
  194. 7227: 'Sami (Southern)/Sweden',
  195. 8193: 'Arabic/Oman',
  196. 8201: 'English/Jamaica',
  197. 8202: 'Spanish/Venezuela',
  198. 8218: 'Bosnian (Cyrillic)/Bosnia and Herzegovina',
  199. 8251: 'Sami (Skolt)/Finland',
  200. 9217: 'Arabic/Yemen',
  201. 9225: 'English/Caribbean',
  202. 9226: 'Spanish/Colombia',
  203. 9275: 'Sami (Inari)/Finland',
  204. 10241: 'Arabic/Syria',
  205. 10249: 'English/Belize',
  206. 10250: 'Spanish/Peru',
  207. 11265: 'Arabic/Jordan',
  208. 11273: 'English/Trinidad and Tobago',
  209. 11274: 'Spanish/Argentina',
  210. 12289: 'Arabic/Lebanon',
  211. 12297: 'English/Zimbabwe',
  212. 12298: 'Spanish/Ecuador',
  213. 13313: 'Arabic/Kuwait',
  214. 13321: 'English/Republic of the Philippines',
  215. 13322: 'Spanish/Chile',
  216. 14337: 'Arabic/U.A.E.',
  217. 14346: 'Spanish/Uruguay',
  218. 15361: 'Arabic/Bahrain',
  219. 15370: 'Spanish/Paraguay',
  220. 16385: 'Arabic/Qatar',
  221. 16393: 'English/India',
  222. 16394: 'Spanish/Bolivia',
  223. 17417: 'English/Malaysia',
  224. 17418: 'Spanish/El Salvador',
  225. 18441: 'English/Singapore',
  226. 18442: 'Spanish/Honduras',
  227. 19466: 'Spanish/Nicaragua',
  228. 20490: 'Spanish/Puerto Rico',
  229. 21514: 'Spanish/United States'}
  231. MACINTOSH_ENCODINGS = {0: 'Roman',
  232. 1: 'Japanese',
  233. 2: 'Chinese',
  234. 3: 'Korean',
  235. 4: 'Arabic',
  236. 5: 'Hebrew',
  237. 6: 'Greek',
  238. 7: 'Russian',
  239. 8: 'RSymbol',
  240. 9: 'Devanagari',
  241. 10: 'Gurmukhi',
  242. 11: 'Gujarati',
  243. 12: 'Oriya',
  244. 13: 'Bengali',
  245. 14: 'Tamil',
  246. 15: 'Telugu',
  247. 16: 'Kannada',
  248. 17: 'Malayalam',
  249. 18: 'Sinhalese',
  250. 19: 'Burmese',
  251. 20: 'Khmer',
  252. 21: 'Thai',
  253. 22: 'Laotian',
  254. 23: 'Georgian',
  255. 24: 'Armenian',
  256. 25: 'Chinese',
  257. 26: 'Tibetan',
  258. 27: 'Mongolian',
  259. 28: 'Geez',
  260. 29: 'Slavic',
  261. 30: 'Vietnamese',
  262. 31: 'Sindhi',
  263. 32: 'Uninterpreted'}
  265. MACINTOSH_LANGUAGES = {0: 'English',
  266. 1: 'French',
  267. 2: 'German',
  268. 3: 'Italian',
  269. 4: 'Dutch',
  270. 5: 'Swedish',
  271. 6: 'Spanish',
  272. 7: 'Danish',
  273. 8: 'Portuguese',
  274. 9: 'Norwegian',
  275. 10: 'Hebrew',
  276. 11: 'Japanese',
  277. 12: 'Arabic',
  278. 13: 'Finnish',
  279. 14: 'Inuktitut',
  280. 15: 'Icelandic',
  281. 16: 'Maltese',
  282. 17: 'Turkish',
  283. 18: 'Croatian',
  284. 19: 'Chinese (Traditional)',
  285. 20: 'Urdu',
  286. 21: 'Hindi',
  287. 22: 'Thai',
  288. 23: 'Korean',
  289. 24: 'Lithuanian',
  290. 25: 'Polish',
  291. 26: 'Hungarian',
  292. 27: 'Estonian',
  293. 28: 'Latvian',
  294. 29: 'Sami',
  295. 30: 'Faroese',
  296. 31: 'Farsi/Persian',
  297. 32: 'Russian',
  298. 33: 'Chinese (Simplified)',
  299. 34: 'Flemish',
  300. 35: 'Irish Gaelic',
  301. 36: 'Albanian',
  302. 37: 'Romanian',
  303. 38: 'Czech',
  304. 39: 'Slovak',
  305. 40: 'Slovenian',
  306. 41: 'Yiddish',
  307. 42: 'Serbian',
  308. 43: 'Macedonian',
  309. 44: 'Bulgarian',
  310. 45: 'Ukrainian',
  311. 46: 'Byelorussian',
  312. 47: 'Uzbek',
  313. 48: 'Kazakh',
  314. 49: 'Azerbaijani (Cyrillic script)',
  315. 50: 'Azerbaijani (Arabic script)',
  316. 51: 'Armenian',
  317. 52: 'Georgian',
  318. 53: 'Moldavian',
  319. 54: 'Kirghiz',
  320. 55: 'Tajiki',
  321. 56: 'Turkmen',
  322. 57: 'Mongolian (Mongolian script)',
  323. 58: 'Mongolian (Cyrillic script)',
  324. 59: 'Pashto',
  325. 60: 'Kurdish',
  326. 61: 'Kashmiri',
  327. 62: 'Sindhi',
  328. 63: 'Tibetan',
  329. 64: 'Nepali',
  330. 65: 'Sanskrit',
  331. 66: 'Marathi',
  332. 67: 'Bengali',
  333. 68: 'Assamese',
  334. 69: 'Gujarati',
  335. 70: 'Punjabi',
  336. 71: 'Oriya',
  337. 72: 'Malayalam',
  338. 73: 'Kannada',
  339. 74: 'Tamil',
  340. 75: 'Telugu',
  341. 76: 'Sinhalese',
  342. 77: 'Burmese',
  343. 78: 'Khmer',
  344. 79: 'Lao',
  345. 80: 'Vietnamese',
  346. 81: 'Indonesian',
  347. 82: 'Tagalong',
  348. 83: 'Malay (Roman script)',
  349. 84: 'Malay (Arabic script)',
  350. 85: 'Amharic',
  351. 86: 'Tigrinya',
  352. 87: 'Galla',
  353. 88: 'Somali',
  354. 89: 'Swahili',
  355. 90: 'Kinyarwanda/Ruanda',
  356. 91: 'Rundi',
  357. 92: 'Nyanja/Chewa',
  358. 93: 'Malagasy',
  359. 94: 'Esperanto',
  360. 128: 'Welsh',
  361. 129: 'Basque',
  362. 130: 'Catalan',
  363. 131: 'Latin',
  364. 132: 'Quenchua',
  365. 133: 'Guarani',
  366. 134: 'Aymara',
  367. 135: 'Tatar',
  368. 136: 'Uighur',
  369. 137: 'Dzongkha',
  370. 138: 'Javanese (Roman script)',
  371. 139: 'Sundanese (Roman script)',
  372. 140: 'Galician',
  373. 141: 'Afrikaans',
  374. 142: 'Breton',
  375. 144: 'Scottish Gaelic',
  376. 145: 'Manx Gaelic',
  377. 146: 'Irish Gaelic (with dot above)',
  378. 147: 'Tongan',
  379. 148: 'Greek (polytonic)',
  380. 149: 'Greenlandic',
  381. 150: 'Azerbaijani (Roman script)'}
  383. ISO_IDS = {
  384. 0: '7-bit ASCII',
  385. 1: 'ISO 10646',
  386. 2: 'ISO 8859-1'
  387. }
  389. CUSTOMS = {}
  391. PLATFORMS = {0: {'name': 'Unicode',
  392. 'encodings': UNICODE_ENCODINGS,
  393. 'languages': UNICODE_ENCODINGS},
  394. 1: {'name': 'Macintosh',
  395. 'encodings': MACINTOSH_ENCODINGS,
  396. 'languages': MACINTOSH_LANGUAGES},
  397. 2: {'name': 'ISO [deprecated]',
  398. 'encodings': ISO_IDS,
  399. 'languages': ISO_IDS},
  400. 3: {'name': 'Windows',
  401. 'encodings': WINDOWS_ENCODINGS,
  402. 'languages': WINDOWS_LANGUAGES},
  403. 4: {'name': 'Custom',
  404. 'encodings': CUSTOMS,
  405. 'languages': CUSTOMS}}
  407. NAME_TABLE = {0: 'Copyright Notice',
  408. 1: 'Font Family',
  409. 2: 'SubFamily',
  410. 3: 'Unique Font Identifier',
  411. 4: 'Full Font Name',
  412. 5: 'Version',
  413. 6: 'PostScript Name',
  414. 7: 'Trademark',
  415. 8: 'Manufacturer Name',
  416. 9: 'Designer',
  417. 10: 'Description',
  418. 11: 'Vendor URL',
  419. 12: 'Designer URL',
  420. 13: 'License Description',
  421. 14: 'License Info URL',
  422. 15: 'Reserved',
  423. 16: 'Typographic Family',
  424. 17: 'Typographic SubFamily',
  425. 18: 'Compatible Full',
  426. 19: 'Sample Text',
  427. 20: 'PostScript CID findfont name',
  428. 21: 'WWS Family Name',
  429. 22: 'WWS SubFamily Name',
  430. 23: 'Light Background Pallete',
  431. 24: 'Dark Background Pallete',
  432. 25: 'Variations PostScript Name Prefix'}
  434. ENCODINGS = {
  435. "Roman": 'latin_1'
  436. }
  438. def parse_meta(font):
  439. """The main meta parsing function. Thanks to Fonttools library."""
  440. data = {}
  441. for nti in font['name'].names:
  442. key = nti.nameID
  443. platform_data = PLATFORMS[nti.platformID]
  444. if platform_data['name'] == 'Custom':
  445. encoding = {'id': 0, 'value': 'Custom'}
  446. language = {'id': 0, 'value': 'Custom'}
  447. else:
  448. encoding = {'id': nti.platEncID,
  449. 'value': platform_data['encodings'].get(nti.platEncID, "Unknown")}
  450. language = {'id': nti.langID,
  451. 'value': platform_data['languages'].get(nti.langID, "Unknown")}
  452. name_str = nti.toStr()
  453. field = NAME_TABLE.get(nti.nameID, False)
  454. if not field:
  455. if 26 <= nti.nameID <= 255:
  456. field = 'Reserved [{}]'.format(nti.nameID)
  457. elif 256 <= nti.nameID:
  458. field = 'Font Specific[{}]'.format(nti.nameID)
  460. data[key] = {"field": field,
  461. "value": name_str,
  462. "encoding": encoding,
  463. "language": language
  464. }
  465. return data
  467. def get_font_name(data, language=None):
  468. language_name = data.get(4).get('language').get('value')
  469. font_full_name = data.get(4).get('value')
  471. if language is None:
  472. return font_full_name
  473. else:
  474. if language in language_name:
  475. return font_full_name
  477. if __name__ == '__main__':
  478. from pathlib import Path
  479. import matplotlib.font_manager as fm
  481. ttflist=fm.FontManager().ttflist
  483. for f in ttflist:
  484. if Path(f.fname).suffix.lower()=='.ttf':
  485. # 输出字体元数据中语言包含有中文的TTF字体
  486. data = parse_meta(TTFont(f.fname))
  487. out_ttf = get_font_name(data,'Chinese')
  488. if out_ttf:
  489. print(f.fname,f.name,out_ttf)
  490. elif Path(f.fname).suffix.lower()=='.ttc':
  491. # 输出所有TTC字体中包含的字体名称信息
  492. ttc = TTCollection(f.fname)
  493. for ttf in ttc:
  494. ttc_data = parse_meta(ttf)
  495. out_ttc = get_font_name(ttc_data,'Chinese')
  496. if out_ttc:
  497. print(f.fname,f.name,out_ttc)


  1. C:\Windows\Fonts\STHUPO.TTF STHupo 华文琥珀
  2. C:\Windows\Fonts\mingliub.ttc MingLiU-ExtB 細明體-ExtB
  3. C:\Windows\Fonts\mingliub.ttc MingLiU-ExtB 新細明體-ExtB
  4. C:\Windows\Fonts\mingliub.ttc MingLiU-ExtB 細明體_HKSCS-ExtB
  5. C:\Windows\Fonts\simkai.ttf KaiTi 楷体
  6. C:\Windows\Fonts\STXIHEI.TTF STXihei 华文细黑
  7. C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Fonts\仿_GB2312.ttf FangSong_GB2312 仿宋_GB2312
  8. C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Fonts\楷_GB2312.ttf KaiTi_GB2312 楷体_GB2312
  9. C:\Windows\Fonts\STXINGKA.TTF STXingkai 华文行楷
  10. C:\Windows\Fonts\STCAIYUN.TTF STCaiyun 华文彩云
  11. C:\Windows\Fonts\simsun.ttc SimSun 宋体
  12. C:\Windows\Fonts\simsun.ttc SimSun 新宋体
  13. C:\Windows\Fonts\STKAITI.TTF STKaiti 华文楷体
  14. C:\Windows\Fonts\msjhl.ttc Microsoft JhengHei 微軟正黑體 Light
  15. C:\Windows\Fonts\msjhl.ttc Microsoft JhengHei Microsoft JhengHei UI Light
  16. C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Fonts\华文中宋.ttf STZhongsong 华文中宋
  17. C:\Windows\Fonts\FZYTK.TTF FZYaoTi 方正姚体
  18. C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Fonts\方正卡通简体.ttf FZKaTong-M19S 方正卡通简体
  19. C:\Windows\Fonts\simhei.ttf SimHei 黑体
  20. C:\Windows\Fonts\方正粗黑宋简体.ttf FZCuHeiSongS-B-GB 方正粗黑宋简体
  21. C:\Windows\Fonts\Deng.ttf DengXian 等线
  22. C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Fonts\FZXBSJW.TTF FZXiaoBiaoSong-B05S 方正小标宋简体
  23. C:\Windows\Fonts\Dengl.ttf DengXian 等线 Light
  24. C:\Windows\Fonts\msjh.ttc Microsoft JhengHei 微軟正黑體
  25. C:\Windows\Fonts\msjh.ttc Microsoft JhengHei Microsoft JhengHei UI
  26. C:\Windows\Fonts\msyh.ttc Microsoft YaHei 微软雅黑
  27. C:\Windows\Fonts\msyh.ttc Microsoft YaHei Microsoft Yahei UI
  28. C:\Windows\Fonts\STFANGSO.TTF STFangsong 华文仿宋
  29. C:\Windows\Fonts\simfang.ttf FangSong 仿宋
  30. C:\Windows\Fonts\SIMLI.TTF LiSu 隶书
  31. C:\Windows\Fonts\SIMYOU.TTF YouYuan 幼圆
  32. C:\Windows\Fonts\STLITI.TTF STLiti 华文隶书
  33. C:\Windows\Fonts\Dengb.ttf DengXian 等线 Bold
  34. C:\Windows\Fonts\msyhl.ttc Microsoft YaHei 微软雅黑 Light
  35. C:\Windows\Fonts\msyhl.ttc Microsoft YaHei Microsoft YaHei UI Light
  36. C:\Windows\Fonts\STSONG.TTF STSong 华文宋体
  37. C:\Windows\Fonts\STXINWEI.TTF STXinwei 华文新魏
  38. C:\Windows\Fonts\FZSTK.TTF FZShuTi 方正舒体





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