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服务器之家 - 服务器系统 - Fedora - fedora8下安装aircard750的gprs无线网卡驱动


2019-10-13 16:00脚本之家 Fedora

AirCard7x0.zip的下载地址:http://www.sierrawireless.com/software/7x0/AirCard7x0.zip download the AirCard7x0.zip file. You can unzip the AirCard7x0.zip by executing the following command in terminal window: unzip AirCard7x0.zip The AirCard7x0.zip contains SW_7xx


download the AirCard7x0.zip file. You can unzip the AirCard7x0.zip by executing the following command in terminal window:

unzip AirCard7x0.zip

The AirCard7x0.zip contains SW_7xx_SER.dat, ac750, and ac750chat files

How to Configure Linux to Recognize AirCard 710/750

Before you start, make sure that the AirCard 750 is not inserted into the PCMCIA slot.

The following instructions will configure the AirCard 750 as a serial-only device on Linux:

1. Add the following to /etc/pcmcia/config under the Modems and other serial devices:

card "Sierra Wireless AC710/AC750 GPRS Network Adapter R1"

manfid 0x0192, 0x0710

cis "cis/SW_7xx_SER.dat"

bind "serial_cs"

2. Copy the file SW_7xx_SER.dat in this archive in /etc/pcmcia/cis/

3. Restart computer.

4. Insert the AirCard 710/750

When the card is inserted two high beeps should be heard, indicating that the AirCard750 has been recognized and the serial driver has been successfully loaded. The AirCard750 can be accessed as /dev/modem when inserted. Running minicom should allow access to the AT command interface.

How to Configure Dialup Networking

A valid SIM card, user name, password, and APN are required to configure dialup networking.

1. Copy the files ac750 and ac750chat into /etc/ppp/peers.

2. Edit the existing file /etc/ppp/pap-secrets to add the following line:

"< login>""< login>" "" "*"

Replace < login> with the user name and < password> with the account password.

(e.g. "sierra" "sierra" "mypasswd" "*")

3. Edit the file /etc/ppp/peers/ac750 to replace < login> in the line

"user < login>"with the same < login> name as the previous instruction. (e.g. user sierra)

4. Edit the file /etc/ppp/peers/ac750chat so that the second line is:

OK AT+cgdcont=1,"IP","< APN>"

The < APN> should be replaced with the APN for the network.

(e.g. OK AT+cgdcont=1,"IP","internet.com")

How to Connect to the GPRS Network

Before you start, make sure the LED on the AirCard750 is flashing green. If there is a problem connecting (dialed too soon after inserting card or other problem) eject and re-insert the card.

1. Connect using PPPD

Open the console window and issue the following command:

pppd call ac750


Some pppd version may not correctly set up the dynamic DNS configuration. It may be necessary to copy /etc/ppp/resolv.conf to /etc/resolv.conf.

In order to terminate the connection send pppd the tem signal (Ctrl-C).

2. Connect using KPPP

It is also possible to connect using a dialer (e.g. Kppp in KDE).

1. Run KPPP configuration and click on New

2. Click on Dialog Setup and type in the name of connection.

3. Type *99# for phone number and select PAP for authentication.

4. Select Modem tab and for initialization string type in:

at+cgdcont=1,"IP","< APN>"

where < APN> is the network APN and click on OK.

5. Type in Login ID and Password

Where Login ID and Password are user name and password from your account.

6. Click on Connect.

3. Signal Strength

The RSSI (signal quality) and be read by starting minicom and issuing the command:


The first number indicates the signal strength above -109 dBm (in 2 dBm increments). A value of 7 or higher (-95 dBm) can be considered adequate.

在第一步的Configure Linux to Recognize AirCard 710/750






#service pcmcia start





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